鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw



Jacqueline Hoang NGUYEN


1967: A People Kind of Place
2012, short film, 19'11"

越裔法語加拿大籍藝術家賈桂琳.阮黃出生於加拿大魁北克省的蒙特婁,擅長透過歷史紀錄資料或是尋常事物來揭露隱藏於其中的歷史、政治意圖。賈桂琳.阮黃除了是創作者之外,同時也策劃過一系列的展覽,其中和珍妮佛.布魯斯(Jennifer Burris)共同策展的「澄清紀錄」(Clarifying the Record)就涉及了美國駐南越大使館和阿爾巴尼亞共產黨的歷史資料。本次展出作品《1967:友善人民之地》討論加拿大亞伯達省的一個小鎮聖保羅(St. Paul)被加國百年國慶委員會封為「百年之星」,因為該鎮建造全球第一座「UFO降落場」;該計劃成為加國多元文化主義的濫觴。藝術家希望以此討論加拿大移民政策和國族∕反國族主義中的矛盾及衝突。 Born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, French-Canadian of Vietnamese origin, Jacqueline Hoang NGUYEN works at history records or ordinary objects to reveal the hidden history or the political gesture within. NGUYEN, being a creative artist, has also curated a series of exhibitions. For instance, the exhibition "Clarifying the Record", co-curated with Jennifer Burris, involves the history records from the U.S. Embassy in South Vietnam and Communist Party of Albania. "1967: A people Kind of Place" is about a small town called St. Paul in Alberta of Canada,"the centennial capital of Canada" named by the centennial committee. St. Paul built a UFO landing pad, the first ever in the world, which signaled the beginning of the multiculturalism in Canada. The artwork is a complex and paradoxical representation of Canada's immigration policy and of both nationalist and anti-nationalist discourse.